Numbers, numbers

We need a list of partners who are coming with named bakers and to know if they are coming as bakers or just involved in meals.

Plus numbers camping, caravans, etc.

Please let Mick have this information as soon as possible.

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17 Responses to Numbers, numbers

  1. Two of us, one baking, one not, both eating, not camping, still got to find somewhere to stay but working on it 🙂

    Probably coming on the Friday and going on the Sunday.

  2. emilydev9 says:

    Pretty much what Joanna said! Two of us; my partner’s name is Andrew, and he’ll be glad to know he’s not the only baking widower 🙂

  3. Matt Bourne says:

    One of me. Plus tent!

  4. thecornishexile says:

    Two bakers here, me (Jack) and my dad (Edward) who has finally admitted that bread baking seems to run in the blood of males in my family! We’ll both be camping, and will be bringing a car.

    • bethesdabakers says:

      Hey Jack

      Your enthusiasm is knocking me over. Sounds like you and your Dad will drive everything before you.

  5. carllegge says:

    And one of me plus tent 🙂

  6. Robin says:

    Now that Zeb’s put me right on the date…
    Just me coming, one tent, baking and eating (picky eater – vegetarian). Probably arrive Friday, leave Sunday(?).

  7. Terry Lyons says:

    ……just me, with a tent or a vehicle which will house my bulky frame.

    …..I eat anything (within reason)….and drink everything… holds barred.


  8. bakingben says:

    I plan on arriving Friday afternoon and leaving Monday morning. Also plan to camp. Eat anything….
    Best wishes
    Ben Johnon

  9. Terry Lyons says:

    Me, myself and I…….with tent or vehicle to hold my bulky frame.

    Will eat anything (within reason) and will drink everything

    Looking forward to my second meet.


  10. stig23 says:

    Just me, in the B&B, arriving Friday night, leaving early Monday. Stig

  11. sgratch says:

    I’ll bring a tent and (non-baking) partner Tess either on Friday, or a few days before if oven-building plans require this.

  12. Renee Taylor says:

    I’m planning to attend on Sat and Sunday. As I’m local, just will be there for the baking. Partner stays at home. quite interested in the oven building as well, on the previous two days and hope to show up as a helpful hand if I can before the weekend.

    Plugged in now for information so hope to stay on top of it.

  13. firebeard says:

    I will try to get down for the Friday night and leave Monday morning. It will be just me, I will sleep in the back of my van. Food wise a fairly easy going omnivore. Unfortunatly I am not going to be able to bring my oven with me. It would be fun to have the oven moblie but in the short term I need to focus my efforts on getting some baking going locally.


  14. lynnewatson says:

    I will be coming on my own with tent. Probably Friday – Monday.

  15. lynnewatson says:

    Sorry, hope I can add on my partner Mike at this stage. He’s just decided he’d like to join us. Will be camping and eating but not baking bread.

  16. Hi Lynne, the ‘boss’ is away but I am sure that will be just fine. 🙂

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